10 Specialty Medical Services Provided by South Carolina & Georgia House Calls

Illustration of a doctor and patient discussing healthcare over the phone
 # 1 Intake Specialty:
Every new patient entering the South Carolina & Georgia House Calls system starts with our Intake Specialty team. This team of providers sees patients via telemedicine within the first 24-72 hours from referral. The primary focus of these visits is to perform medication reconciliation while analyzing a patient's healthcare history and current physical condition. The in-home provider armed with this comprehensive report is now better prepared for a productive in-person visit. 
# 2 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Specialty:
South Carolina & Georgia House Calls team of 12+ social workers based in the Center for Telemedicine in Columbia perform virtual outreach to patients throughout their region. Our Masters-prepared social workers provide counseling while working directly with our psych providers to meet patient needs. Some of the patient conditions followed include depression, anxiety, psychiatric diagnosis, and complicated grief. 
 # 3 Pharmacist Consultation Specialty:
Medication non-adherence is a leading cause of hospitalizations and hospital re-admissions in the US. A pharmacist consultation in collaboration with a patient's primary care provider seeks to mitigate the patient's risk of unnecessary hospitalization. Medication reconciliation, polypharmacy evaluation, medication de-prescribing, and medication teaching are essential components of a South Carolina & Georgia House Call pharmacist/patient consult.
# 4 Palliative Care Specialty:
Palliative Care, or "Supportive Care," is specialized medical care focusing on maximizing the quality of life for people with chronic illnesses. This type of care provides patients with relief from the illness's symptoms, pain, and stress- regardless of diagnosis. Palliative care is provided by a team of South Carolina & Georgia House Calls specialists working with other patient care team members to provide an extra layer of support. Palliative care is appropriate at any age and any stage of a serious illness and can be provided together with curative treatment.
 # 5 Hospice Attending Specialty:
Our hospice attending providers work directly with the partnering hospice companies to oversee the patient's care while under hospice services. This specialty includes face-to-face documentation requirements and working in tangent with in-home providers to support the needs of the patient and hospice team. 
# 6 Diabetes Specialty:
According to a 2020 CDC report, 34.2 million people of all ages, or 10.5% of the US population, have diabetes. South Carolina & Georgia House calls have dedicated specialists continually reviewing and monitoring diabetic patients under their care. The providers focus on hemoglobin screening and monitoring patients with recent severe/active complications such as non-healing wounds, renal failure, stroke, or heart attack. In addition, nurse practitioners, with the aid of a registered dietician, help patients understand the critical role that diet plays and how to incorporate smart nutritional choices into their daily lives.
# 7 Dietician Specialty:
The South Carolina and Georgia dietician specialty facilitates patient dietary requirements essential in overall health. These specialists advise and provide medical nutrition therapy for diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol hypokalemia patients. The dieticians work in concert with general practitioners in creating specific, measurable nutritional goals that can be assessed on follow-up appointments. The dieticians also work with those who require feeding tubes to ensure adequate nutrition is delivered for the patient.
# 8 Home Health Specialty:
The South Carolina and Georgia House Calls home health specialty team is Physician-led and focuses on establishing the provider/patient relationship. This statewide physician team follows patients while on home health services and performs monthly care plan oversight. In addition, the physicians perform recertifications and discharges from Home Health services when appropriate. 
# 9 Psychiatric Specialty:
As a full-service in-home and telehealth provider, South Carolina and Georgia House Calls include Psychotherapy as an essential service. These providers working closely with the primary care practitioners offer support for patients experiencing depression, anxiety, complicated grief, or any standard classification of mental disorder recognized by mental health professionals.
# 10 Cardiac Specialty: 
The cardiac team within South Carolina and Georgia House Calls specializes in treating and helping patients manage their heart conditions and diseases. Remote Patient Monitoring RPM is especially efficient in analyzing daily vitals for many of these patients. Some of the conditions focused on by the specialists include but are not limited to hypertension, murmurs, chest pain, atrial fibrillation, flutter, palpitation, heart failure/breathlessness, and hyperlipidemia. 

SC House Calls is a network of nearly 250 medical professionals providing In-home medical house calls and Telehealth visits to Private Residences, Assisted Living Communities, and Skilled Nursing Facilities. SC House Calls serves all 46 Counties of South Carolina. New patient registration, appointments, and  
24-7 access to medical professionals is available through its Center for Telehealth @ 800-491-0909 

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