Five Ways to Improve the Results of your Annual Wellness Visit

A doctor smiles while speaking with a patient
There is a good reason that insurance companies, including Medicaid, and Medicare cover the total cost of annual wellness visits – they consider them essential to overall healthcare.
1.	Your doctor does not have a crystal ball:
How often do you get the chance to talk with your doctor one-on-one? If you are like most people, not that often. An annual wellness exam is an opportunity to communicate any symptoms you are experiencing that are not readily apparent. Don’t expect your doctor to know what is wrong with you, have an open, honest dialog, and establish a medical relationship. This conversation helps determine relevant tests and screenings. 

2.	Become better educated on your baseline numbers:
 Knowing your numbers like resting heart rate, blood pressure, weight, or body mass index helps you understand recommended treatment options. It will also enlighten you on how making small lifestyle changes can positively impact those numbers.

3.	Take an active role in your healthcare:
Maintaining good health is not something to put on autopilot, especially as someone ages. Ask your provider about other resources to help you on your healthcare journey. 

4.	Be prepared with an accurate list of current medications:
Polypharmacy is the simultaneous use of multiple drugs to treat a single ailment or condition. Prescriptions have a way of getting out of control, especially if a patient has seen numerous specialists or had a hospital stay. The wellness exam is an excellent time to look at every medication taken and ensure its appropriateness for current conditions.

5.	Have a Plan:
Having your medical wishes documented for medical emergencies when you cannot speak for yourself is arguably one of the most important conversations you will ever have. The Advanced Care Plan (ACP) choices you make today may change over time, and your ACP needs to evolve with you. An annual wellness exam is an opportunity to have the initial conversations or make any changes to your prior selections. 

SC House Calls & GA House Calls is a network of over 250 medical professionals providing In-home medical house calls and Telehealth visits to Private Residences, Assisted Living Communities, and Skilled Nursing Facilities. SC House Calls serves all 46 Counties of South Carolina. New patient registration, appointments, and 24-7 access to medical professionals is available through its Center for Telehealth @ 800-491-0909

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