Team Approach to Diabetic Care Seeks Excellent Outcomes

An illustration of various medical equipment
Diabetes is a chronic problem in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in three Americans have prediabetes, and 37.3 million people are currently diagnosed with the disease. The disease, if left uncontrolled, can lead to severe complications, with cardiovascular disease being one of the most prevalent. 

South Carolina & Georgia House Calls (SC & GA HC) has developed an in-house program that includes a team of experts working with front-line practitioners that focuses on the care and monitoring of diabetic patients who meet specific criteria.

The patients identified through A1C screening are offered an opportunity to be involved with an intensive diabetic clinical pathway guidance through a team effort. The medical professionals who make up the specialty diabetic pod each have extensive experience treating and controlling diabetes and its related symptoms. In addition to their diabetic expertise, dietitians, pharmacists, social workers, cardiac specialists, cognitive behavior therapists, and chronic care management representatives are tasked with a role in this team-based care initiative. The program timeframe for patients participating is based on a 91-day treatment plan that layers resources for excellent medical outcomes.

One of the program's goals is to educate patients about diabetes management and how controlling the disease can significantly impact their quality of life. SC & GA House Calls believes knowledge is power, and the more patients are involved in their care, the better chance they will have to meet or exceed plan goals.

Technological advances allow healthcare companies providing in-home medical services to offer a complete care solution. SC & GA HC employs a strategic leveraging of technology that includes portable retina screening cameras, remote patient monitoring devices, mobile labs, and x-ray. This technology gives their practitioners real-time patient information to make better-informed care decisions.

SC House Calls & GA House Calls is a network of over 250 medical professionals providing In-home medical house calls and Telehealth visits to Private Residences, Assisted Living Communities, and Skilled Nursing Facilities. SC House Calls serves all 46 Counties of South Carolina. New patient registration, appointments, and 24-7 access to medical professionals are available through its Center for Telehealth @ 800-491-0909

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